SCE Project for Stadio Gewiss Atalanta: start of new works

Work started for the completion of the third lot. The Atalanta Gewiss Stadium has seen us and still sees us on the field for its redevelopment. Completed the demolitions, in these shots we see in progress the phase of the excavations. For this important project, we are responsible for the integrated and architectural design, and [...]

Il Sole 24 Ore “Webuild completes the new Eni management center: designed by Morphosis is certified Leed gold”

Webuild completes the new Eni management center: designed by Morphosis is certified Leed gold. The project of the new Eni management centre in San Donato Milanese reaches the finish line. The project, signed by the American studio Morphosis together with the Italian studio Nemesi, was completed 12 years after the design competition, with the construction [...]

Il Sole 24 Ore: the new Italian headquarters of BFF Banking Group

Milan, BFF Banking Group lays the foundation stone of the new Italian headquarters at Portello. A new major project involves our construction management team: the new headquarters of BFF Banking Group, "Casa BFF", designed by OBR, which will be located in Milan, in the Portello district. Read the article

SCE Project for Stadio Gewiss Atalanta: start of new works

stadium, gewiss, atalanta
Work started for the completion of the third lot. The Atalanta Gewiss Stadium has seen us and still sees us on the field for its redevelopment. Completed the demolitions, in these shots we see in progress the phase of the excavations. For this important project, we are responsible for the integrated and architectural design, and [...]

Il Sole 24 Ore “Webuild completes the new Eni management center: designed by Morphosis is certified Leed gold”

Webuild completes the new Eni management center: designed by Morphosis is certified Leed gold. The project of the new Eni management centre in San Donato Milanese reaches the finish line. The project, signed by the American studio Morphosis together with the Italian studio Nemesi, was completed 12 years after the design competition, with the construction [...]

Il Sole 24 Ore: the new Italian headquarters of BFF Banking Group

BFF, Sole 24 Ore
Milan, BFF Banking Group lays the foundation stone of the new Italian headquarters at Portello. A new major project involves our construction management team: the new headquarters of BFF Banking Group, "Casa BFF", designed by OBR, which will be located in Milan, in the Portello district. Read the article

La Repubblica, “SCE Project. Brilliant solutions to complex problems”.

sce project, solutions
La Repubblica, "SCE Project. Brilliant solutions to complex problems". Read the article

New Beic: SCE Project in the Onsitestudio group that wins the competition

BEIC, library
SCE Project part of the new BEIC implementation team! Read the article on Professione Architetto

The bright star of San Pellegrino

san pellegrino, star
The bright star of San Pellegrino on the arches of the new truck stop of the San Pellegrino Flagship Factory. SCE Project has been engaged in the engineering of architectural design and structural design in the construction phase.

Sette Savi by Fausto Melotti

Sette Savi, museo, Milano
Sette Savi by Fausto Melotti SCE Project has taken care to give a solid and lasting foundation to the work of Fausto Melotti. The installation of "I Sette Savi" awaits you at the National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan.

Via della Spiga 26, maxi restyling in the heart of the Quadrilatero: Palazzo Pertusati is reborn.

Spiga26. Quadrilatero, restyling
The building was redesigned to be open and flexible, with terraces and unobstructed views. In the former Dolce & Gabbana building come the showcases of the brands and the offices of Kering, international protagonist of the luxury market. Read more on Il Corriere della Sera. SCE Project is involved in the developed and technical integrated [...]

A former factory transformed into a hub of creativity

wpp, the plan, campus
A former factory transformed into a hub of creativity. At SCE Project,we were in charge of the preliminary, final and executive structural design and the Works Management of the structures of this project. Leggi l'articolo dedicato su The Plan.

SCE Project in DIARS

DIARS, fiera, Napoli, restauro, risanamento strutturale
SCE Project in DIARS From 3 to 5 November 2022, in Naples, we participated in the first edition of DIARS, the diagnostic fair applied to restoration and structural restoration. The event, sponsored by CODIS, wants to meet industry experts for a constructive professional comparison.

ICS won the XXII Metra Building

ICS, Symbiosis, Milan, Construction Management
The Symbiosis campus of the ICS Milan International School won an important award: the XXII Metra Building "International Competition of Authors". The project created for Covivio and designed by Barreca & La Varra saw SCE Project responsible for the construction management.

Social housing “Ex Boero” on The Plan

Ex Boero, The Plan, Genova, Social Housing
The Plan presents the intervention of Social Housing "Ex Boero". We are in Molassana, Genoa, where the decommissioning of the Boero colorificio production complex has given way to the redevelopment of the area. SCE Project has been engaged in the preliminary, final and executive structural design, in the coordination of the executive design and in [...]

SCE Project per Biomimetic Architecture and Its Role in Developing Sustainable, Regenerating and Livable Cities

Biomimetic Architecture, Sustainable, Regenerating, book
Biomimetic Architecture and Its Role in Developing Sustainable, Regenerating and Livable Cities — Global Perspective, Approach, and Solutions in the Age of COVID-19. Distributed in libraries, libraries and universities around the world, the text examines the global applications of biomimetics in architecture, stresses the importance of biomimicry in promoting liveability in cities and buildings and [...]

Technology and sustainability in Viale Sarca 336

Technology and sustainability in Viale Sarca 336 Open336 technology for the environment, a project designed by Park Associati and developed by Barings, in Milan. Read more on Il Corriere.

150 luxury apartments in Florence with Hines and Blue Noble

Firenze, Starhotels, Hines, Ex Teatro
Teatro Luxury apartments, Florence Thanks to Hines, Blue Noble and Starhotels, ex Teatro Comunale of Corso Italia, in Florence, is preparing to become one of the most important property recoveries of the city, creating more than 150 apartments. SCE Project is part of this project being engaged in structural and architectural construction, in the Coordination [...]

Be Factory – The laboratory of sustainable innovation

Be Factory, innovazione, sostenibile
Be Factory crowns the virtuous path of Progetto Manifattura. The business incubator of Trentino Sviluppo hosts an innovation centre for the green building, sustainable mobility and sports technologies sectors. SCE Project has been engaged in the structural design in the execution and construction phase and in the technical assistance of the construction site. Read more [...]


ENI, San Donato Milanese, Metanopoli
THE SIXTH ENI BUILDING BETWEEN METANOPOLI AND THE CITY OF THE FUTURE Wednesday 5 October 2022 at the headquarters of Assimpredil in via San Maurilio 21, Milan, at 17.00, several guests, including our partner, Eng. Stefano De Cerchio, commented on the maxiprogetto to open a debate to more rumors about the present and the future [...]

Re Italy 2022 awarded “Area Falck Project” by MilanoSesto

Falck, RE Italy 2022, MilanoSesto, Urban Design, Award
Area Ex Falck: Re Italy 2022 awarded MilanoSesto SCE Project is proud to have contributed to the MilanoSesto "Area Ex Falck" project, recognized as the best Urban Regeneration at Re Italy 2022. The project also qualifies for the World Fiabci Prix d'Excellence Awards in Miami in June 2023.

New Netflix headquarters- Villino Rattazzi, Rome

Netflix, Villino Rattazzi, Roma, Structure
Netflix: the American giant moves into the Villino Rattazzi in Rome SCE Project Rome has been in charge of the concept, developed and technical structural design and structural construction management of the restructuration project of Villino Rattazzi. Read ELLE Decor article which takes you inside the building.

Heritage Preservation & Economic Development in ASEAN

event, upcoming, sce project asia, Heritage, asean, economy, masterplan
Heritage Preservation & Economic Development in ASEAN Thuesday 8th of December 2020 - 9.00am to 2.00pm,  new event about "Architectural Past" conservation in ASEAN. Heritage Preservation and Economic Development is a Pan-Asiatic initiative of seminars, webinars, technical meetings, academic exchanges, aiming at spreading the culture of Heritage Preservation and Sustainable Economic Development in ASEAN countries. [...]

IDD Italian Design Day 2020 in Kuala Lumpur

event, upcoming, sce project asia, IDD, Italian Design Day, 2020
Event! IDD - Italian Design Day 2020 in Kuala Lumpur Dr.Arch. Luigi Campanale - CEO of SCE Project Asia has attended the IDD - Italian Design Day 2020 in Kuala Lumpur as a speaker online with a hot topic named "Smart city, Heritage Preservation & Economic Development. Innovation & Sustainability Through Urban Regeneration Projects" It's a chance [...]


Smart Factory, Smart Planning, Sustainability, Industry 4.0, Integrated Design
THE SMART FACTORY Innovation & sustainability of industrial projects in Vietnam DISCUSION & INSIGHT "To learn more about industrial sector opportunities in Vietnam and to understand the potentiality given by the integration of new technologies for industrial buildings." The smart factory represents a leap forward from more traditional automation to a fully connected and flexible [...]

“Smart & Creative Cities – Innovation & Sustainability Through Urban Regeneration Projects”

Manifesto, SCE Project ASIA, Creative cities, innovation, sustaibanility, urban regeneration
Innovation & Sustainability Through Urban Regeneration Projects SMART AND CREATIVE CITIES by SCE Project ASIA & VAA   SCE Project Asia and VAA (Venice Architecture Association) are pleased to announce the public release of a paper-manifesto called “Smart & Creative Cities – Innovation & Sustainability Through Urban Regeneration Projects”, our contribution to the ongoing debates [...]

Getting “Smart” with Kim

#Interview #SCEProjectUSA #ProjectManagement #BIM #KimGroves #Morphosis
Getting "SMART" with Kim, CEO of SCE Project USA My name is Carole Sourgens, I am a French architect and I began at SCE Project 2 years ago as Digital PR. Paradoxically, I have experienced that the current situation brings the occasion to get closer to the people I am working with. I get to [...]

Conservation of Asian Architectural Past – Event

heritage, conservation, restoration, preservation, Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, Architecture, Urban design, SCE Project ASIA
HERITAGE & ARCHITECTURAL PAST PRESERVATION IN ASIA The upcoming event “Heritage Preservation & Economic Development (HPED)” is a Pan-Asian initiative of SCE Project Asia organised in collaboration with IUAV University of Venice and Venice Architectural Association that will set place in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) the 10-11th of September 2019. Under the high patronage [...]

Facade design for the Tirana Vertical Forest

Facade design, Vertical forest, Tirana, Stefano Boeri Architetti, Architecture
FACADE DESIGN FOR THE TIRANA VERTICAL FOREST SCE Project is in charge of the technical architectural design and the façade design of the Tirana Vertical Forest. This 21 floors tower, signed by the Milanese architecture studio Stefano Boeri Architetti enters in the urban development plan Tirana 2030. Indeed, the most important goal defined in the masterplan [...]

Press Release #01 – IDD Vietnam

Hanoi, SCE Project ASIA, IDD, Italian Design Day
Cities of the Future & Heritage Preservation Heritage Preservation & Restoration at the IDD Vietnam - Italien Design Day 2019 Under the sponsorship of the Embassy of Italy in Hanoi, the Hanoi People’s Committee and the UNESCO Vietnam, SCE Project ASIA and IUAV of Venice organize an event in Hanoi on 20th and 21st March [...]


Yangon, Myanmar, heritage, asia, restoration, ministers'building, secretariat
RESTORATION OF THE EMBLEMATIC SECRETARIAT, YANGON The restoration of the Secretariat in Yangon, Myanmar - also called ‘Ministers' building’ and 'Ministers' office'-  is an interesting project managed by SCE Project ASIA. Indeed, the primary services offered by our offices in Asia are detailed design and structural refurbishments. Regarding the project of the Secretariat, SCE Project [...]

Grand Opening M9

M9, Museum of the Twentieth, Mestre, Venezia, Polymnia Venezia, Fondazione Venezia, Sauerbruch Hutton, Inauguratio, Grand opening
Grand opening of the M9 - Museum of the Twentieth Century, Mestre The inauguration of the M9, the Museum of the Twentieth Century designed by Sauerbruch Hutton, was held last Saturday, 1st December, in Mestre (VE). SCE Project, happily attended the opening ceremony, proud to have taken part in a project of such cultural impact. [...]
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