The upcoming event “Heritage Preservation & Economic Development (HPED)” is a Pan-Asian initiative of SCE Project Asia organised in collaboration with IUAV University of Venice and Venice Architectural Association that will set place in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) the 10-11th of September 2019. Under the high patronage of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UNESCO, the event focuses on the numerous advantages that brings the preservation of the rich architectural heritage of a nation.
During the two precedent events organized by SCE Project Asia in Myanmar – the Burmese Capital – and Hanoi in the occasion of the Italian Design Day in Vietnam, a broader concept of Architectural Past has been defined. Arch. Luigi Campanale, CEO of SCE Project Asia says:
“Beyond the stricto sensu definition of Heritage Preservation (monuments and historic buildings, traditional or colonial), the concept of Architectural Past aims to integrate the analysis of the typical morphology of the Asian urban fabric. Indeed, besides the undeniable aesthetic factor of Asian Cities, the peculiarity of the traditional urban configuration lies through an interesting and unique stratification of the social, economic and cultural layers. This represent a timeless ‘Case Study’ as well as a formidable source of inspiration for the design of today’s Masterplan.”
In fact, Asia’s spectacularly fast urbanisation in the past decades has resulted in the rising of bustling Megacities which are today facing important logistic issues (poor infrastructures, crowded urban transports and Healthcare facilities to name a few). Above all, the “sprawling city” phenomenon, endlessly eating out agricultural land, raises critical environmental concerns.

The final objective of the Heritage Preservation & Economic Development (HPED) journey is to highlight both the sustainable and social benefits and the economical competitive advantages of preserving – adapting – re-using the Asian Architectural Past. Organised and led by professors from the IUAV University of Venice, local universities, Arch. Luigi Croce of Venice Architectural Association and Arch. Luigi Campanale, the Urban Design Workshop that will launch the HPED is intended to raise young generation’s awareness about the richness of their historic heritage and the crucial preservation issues of its identity.
The Technical Seminar will then gather local and international experts who will continue the debate about Heritage Preservation initiated in September 2018, in Myanmar. They will open the dialogue with the local construction industry operators (institutions, architects, engineers, contractors), sharing experiences and case history, innovative processes and technologies. The final step of the event is a Business Seminar dedicated to local institutions and real estate developers. The experts will demonstrate the substantial interests that expect those who will strategically invest in Heritage projects in ASEAN
The next programmed event will set place in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) in October 2019. Furthermore, SCE Project Asia and VAA have planned for 2020 to bring the initiative in other ASEAN major cities such as Jakarta, Singapore and Tokyo.

Our Company Profile:
Providing intelligent solutions to challenging problems, SCE Project is an Italian global, multidisciplinary, architecture and engineering firm of energetic, creative, and highly qualified staff offering Full-Service design and management services since 2001. With offices in Milan, Rome, Los Angeles, Singapore and Ho Chi Minh City, SCE Project employs over 100 professionals with extensive experience in the development of projects in any sectors. In particular, the company has obtained a position of leadership in the field of restorations and renovations of historic buildings and heritage. With over 700 built projects in Italy and abroad, SCE Project’s integration of multidisciplinary services provides solutions that are of the highest quality while meeting time and cost targets.