The restoration of the Secretariat in Yangon, Myanmar – also called ‘Ministers’ building’ and ‘Ministers’ office’-  is an interesting project managed by SCE Project ASIA. Indeed, the primary services offered by our offices in Asia are detailed design and structural refurbishments. Regarding the project of the Secretariat, SCE Project was entrusted with the verification of the structural state of conservation and materials testing.  Above all, the final objective is  to provide a recovery project that will restore a building of enormous historical value destined to cultural and museum functions.

Yangon is ‘the place to be’

As Myanmar’s most important urban economic centre, Yangon’s future is closely linked with that of the country. Furthemore, the city’s extraordinary built, cultural and natural heritage make it unique and provide it with many invaluable assets (waterfront location, heritage buildings, parklands, lakes). When combined with modernised infrastructure that provides basic utilities, these assets have the potential to make Yangon one of Asia’s most liveable cities. Considering the renewed interest in preserving the cultural monuments in East Asia, our expertise in structural renovations gives SCE Project a unique advantage.

“The Conservation of the Structure in The Heritage”

The restoration project of the Secretariat was presented to the public during the “Heritage Preservation” event held in Yangon last September. Thanks to the collaboration between the Italian Embassy in Yangon and the Venice Architectural Association, SCE Project ASIA, as the creator of the event, oversaw the organization of two exciting days at the prestigious Tourism Burma Building and the Rosewood Hotel in Yangon. On this occasion, the Arch. Luigi Campanale, CEO of SCE Project ASIA, opened an interesting debate on the topic “What economic opportunities offer strategic restoration of the historical architectural heritage ?”

As a matter of fact, Arch. Campanale said in his interview with MITV – Myanmar International TV Channel: “The best approach is to preserve the identity and originality of historic buildings such as the Minister’s Building, by reusing them and adapting them to modern needs”.

Go to the project: The Segretariat

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